Led in Peace ✌🏾

Isaiah 55:12

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”

Have you ever driven for a very long time? 

One time my family and I drove 14 hours from Indianapolis to Orlando. It was the longest drive of my life! As we were driving there were signs on the way that told us how many miles we had until the next big town. Every time we passed a sign I would look out the window and see if it said “Orlando: 75 miles,” or something to that affect. I just wanted reassurance that eventually we would reach our destination. We were all so tired of being in that van, on a road we thought wouldn’t end. Even when we stopped to stretch and get food, it still wasn’t that fulfilling because we knew we had to hop back in the van for a couple more hours. 

Sometimes life feels like that car ride. 

We are always on the go. We have homework, sports practice, friend drama, family drama, the stress of keeping a good gpa so we can get a job, so we can support a family, and the list keeps going. We never get enough sleep, and when we decide to sleep in, all we can think about is all the stuff we should be doing. Sometimes we wish life would just stop for an hour or two and just give us a break. 

Sometimes we are so deep in stress that we can’t even breathe, and our hearts are heavy and our souls are worn. We just want some peace in our lives .

When I read Isaiah 55:12 I remember my heart flooding with relief and tears started running down my face. I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders, and with this verse I realized that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I found rest in the Lord! At that moment, I knew God had realized how hard I had been working to do what needed to be done, and that He wasn’t just watching, but He was cheering me on . He was on my team! 

When you feel like you’re drowning in stress, drama, or temptation, remember that Jesus, the One who defeated death and you’re enemies, is on your side! Find peace in that, and find peace in Him. 
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